**Minimun order: 150 eur **
**VALID UNTIL 31 OCT 2024**
37439 Castellanos de Moriscos
Salamanca (Spain)
tlf: +34 - 902011936
CIF: ESB49254378
Taxes :
All published products do NOT include the VAT (21%) at the indicated price.
VAT only applicable to:
- Customers resident in Spain, except the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.
- Customers resident within the European Union (EU) and without a valid VAT number.
For customers residing in the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla, VAT will not be applied, but they must bear the cost of customs duties and / or taxes that are in force at the time of purchase. In no case will they have to pay those expenses to KARDANLINE.EU and they will have to do it to the Customs of entrance of the place of destination before receiving the purchased merchandise.
Customers resident within the European Union (EU) who have a valid intra-Community VAT number are exempt from paying VAT.
The rest of customers from other countries outside the European Union (EU) do not have VAT, but must pay customs duties and / or taxes that are in force in your country at the time of purchase. Under no circumstances must pay these costs to KARDANLINE.EU and will have to make Customs entry destination before receiving the goods purchased.
To make use of our website and to be able to make purchases online it is absolutely necessary to register as a customer in advance.
At registration you will create a client account and a password for access to our system that only you will know and that will allow you at any time to know the status of your orders in progress, the history of them, modify your client account edit different Shipping addresses for each order according to your need as well as other advantages of the system.
Access the system:
Each time you access our website the system will ask you to enter your email address and password. Watch when entering uppercase and lowercase letters correctly as the system differentiates both and does not allow access if your email or your password does not exactly match those that work in the system.
Avoid creating another client account if you previously created and not to duplicate records to the same name. This can create confusion for both parties.
But remember your password can ask the system to be sent another to your email address.
The new password deletes and replaces the previous one and allows you to enter the system. From that point when you access your client account with the new password you can create another new password that is more familiar and delete the one that the system sent you. The web will memorize yours and delete the previous one.
If you need help online with registration problems of receipt of new password or any other subject has a contact form from which you can contact us, from the Contact page.
The data inserted in our database are totally confidential and only used for the correct operation of the orders, the sending of announcements, news and offers.
Any customer who wants to be disenrolled from our database can do so simply by communicating your request to our email address: info@kardanline.eu
The whole of this website: description and characteristics, text, images, trademarks, logos, buttons, software files, as well as the structure, selection, ordering and presentation of its contents are protected by Spanish and international Intellectual Property Laws And Industrial. In no case does the access by third parties to such site imply any type of waiver, transfer or total or partial transfer of the rights granted by Spanish and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property. Reproduction (except temporary download from the website to the user's computer hard disk or to the proxy servers), copying, use, distribution, reuse, exploitation, making of second copies, sending by Mail, transmission, modification, assignment or any other act that is done with all or part of the information contained in this website that has not been expressly authorized by the owner. The user undertakes to use the contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from deleting, evading or manipulating the copyright and other data identifying the rights of our company or its owners incorporated into The contents, as well as the technical devices of protection or any mechanisms of information that could be included in the contents. The domain can not be used, unless expressly authorized, in connection with other services that are not of the company in any way that may cause confusion among our customers or discredit our company.All trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Users will be able to access the site free of charge. However, our company reserves the right to limit access to certain areas of the website to those users who do not have the proper credentials. These credentials (user and password) are provided by our company to its customers, or to those users who request it expressly, in order to access specific information for said group of users. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, not allowing the transfer, or even temporary, to third parties. In this sense, the user undertakes to make diligent use and keep it secret.
The identification and personal data provided in the framework of this website, via form or via email, are confidential and will be part of the files owned by our company and will be treated by the latter in accordance with the current legislation on protection Of personal data. At the same time, users expressly authorize us to send you information regarding new developments in the area of services provided by the same. In the event that they do not wish to receive the aforementioned information, it is sufficient to notify them via email at any time. At the time of acceptance of these general conditions, our company will need the user to collect some essential data for the provision of their services. The data entered in the forms by the user must be true, accurate, complete and current data. The purpose of the file is to serve as information support to the commercial and administrative management of our company as well as to allow the correct management of orders and purchases made by customers. In no case they will be used for different purposes or assigned to third parties. The person responsible for the file or, where appropriate, the person in charge of the processing shall carry out the necessary security measures to verify the identity of the user. But, in case the person who enters the data is different from the one that will be declared as a user, it will be understood that he has the express consent of the user to do so and that he grants us authorization to perform the treatment previously described. The user will be solely responsible for any damages, direct or indirect that could cause to any person because of the completion of the form with false, inaccurate, incomplete or not updated data. The owner of the personal data will have the rights of opposition, access, rectification and cancellation with respect to all his data exist stored in the database of our company. Said rights may be exercised through any means of communication, provided it is recorded, in front of our company.Our company reserves the right to modify its policy of confidentiality and data protection as a result of a change in law, case law or business practice. If any changes occur, the new text will be published on this page, where users will have access to the current policy on confidentiality and data protection. In each case, the relationship with the users will be governed by the rules envisaged at the precise moment in which the web is accessed.
Cookies are used when the user browses the website. The cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and his computer and do not provide references that allow to deduce the name and surnames of the user. Cookies can not read data from your hard drive or read cookie files created by other providers. Thanks to cookies, it is possible that the website recognizes registered users after they have been registered for the first time, without having to register at each visit to access the areas and services reserved exclusively for them. The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be warned on the screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on his hard disk. Please refer to the instructions and manuals of your browser for further information. In order to use this website, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of the cookies sent, without prejudice to the fact that in such case it will be necessary for the user to register every time he accesses a service that requires the previous registration as the purchase of The products offered. Likewise, cookies are used for the statistics service (Google Analytics) but in no case collect personal data from the web visitor.
The content of this website is of a general nature, with a purpose and exclusively informative effects of our services and our business activity. Our company disclaims any responsibility regarding any decision made by the user of the website. Our company rejects the responsibility for any information not elaborated by him or not published in an authorized way under his name, as well as the responsibility that is derived from the misuse of the contents. Likewise, in relation to the contents, our company reserves the right to update, eliminate, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently.
The links introduced on our website are purely informative and, therefore, our company does not control or verify any information, content, products or services provided through these websites. Consequently, our company declines any responsibility for any aspect, especially the content, relating to the link pages. These links to other pages, as well as the products or services offered by them do not imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by our company.
Our company will make every effort to provide a stable and durable service, but in no case guarantees the continuity of operation and the operability and availability of the website for reasons beyond its control. Our company is not responsible for direct or indirect damages, including damages to computer systems and introduction of viruses in the network, derived from the Internet browsing required for the use of this website. For this reason, in no case will be compensated for possible problems due to the malfunction of the system.
The user will be liable for damages and losses that our company may suffer as a result of breach, for its part, of any of the obligations set forth in this legal note. The user will be responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness of the data provided, and our company reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false information and to terminate the insurance contract requested, without prejudice to other actions Proceed in law. The user may not use this service to transmit any kind of illegal, threatening, defamatory or any other material considered offensive. Likewise, you may not make improper use of the contents of our company, use them for purposes other than those intended, reproducing, modifying or transforming them. Any information obtained on our site and displayed on an external page, should be shown indicating the source, ie the name of the site and the link or page from which the information was obtained. Regarding navigation, the user undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe the recommendations that our company establishes at the time regarding the use of the site. To these effects our company will be directed to the users through any means of communication through the web site.
Our company will have the right to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein, in whole or in part. Any changes will appear, and will be brought to the attention of the users, in the same way as they are in this legal note. The temporary validity of this legal note therefore coincides with the time of its exposure, until the moment they are totally or partially modified by our company. Our company may unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt the operation of this website, without the possibility of requesting compensation from the user. After such extinction, the user must destroy any information about our company that owns in any format and that has obtained through the site or through the communications made individually to the user by the same. Our company shall have no obligation to maintain any content or to forward any unread or unsent message to either the user or a third party.
All prices shown are expressed in Euros (€) and do not include VAT. The shipping costs are not included in this price since they are calculated according to destination and total weight of the order. Our company reserves the right to change without prior notice for reasons of cost variation, currency fluctuation, increase of transport costs, end of promotions, etc.
The forms of payment accepted are Paypal, bank transfer, credit / debit card through Paypal, personalized payment and previously agreed with the customer (this form of payment is subject to authorization by our company).
The execution of an order implies the acceptance by the customer of these conditions. Any order placed on our website will be understood as a firm purchase request by the customer.Likewise, we will not be considered firmly admitted on our part as long as our company does not communicate to the buyer the confirmation of the order. We ship to Peninsula and Balearic Islands. For shipments to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla or countries other than Spain, please contact our Commercial department in advance.
We inform you that the availability of the products offered is contingent on the volume of stocks available in our facilities and the facilities of our suppliers. In the event of a non-availability of the requested product, or in case of non-acceptance by the customer of the delivery date, our company will propose a replacement product to its customer, which will have the right to accept or reject it. If the customer rejects the replacement product, he can not hold our company responsible for unavailability of the product ordered in the supplier's or manufacturer's stock. In case of unavailability of all or part of the order, and / or rejection of the date of delivery of substitute products by the customer, the refund will be made by bank deposit within the following fifteen days after payment of the customer . Our company could not be considered responsible for breach of contract concluded in case of rupture of stock or unavailability of the product, force majeure, disturbance or total or partial strike of postal services, means of transport and / or communications, flood, fire. For all indirect damages because of the present, loss of productivity, loss of profit, damages or expenses, which could occur due to the purchase of products, our company will not incur any liability. Our company reserves the right to be able to discontinue any product offered on its website at any time without prior notice. In such cases, the exercise of the power to discontinue products will not entitle the customer to any claim of damages. The eventual discontinuation of products will not affect the delivery of those that are the object of an accepted order pending delivery.
Our company will have one of its main priorities to meet its deadlines. The deadlines must always be considered as guidelines, and may vary depending on the stock in the warehouses and delivery times with which our company works with its suppliers, holidays, weekends, vacation period and payment methods. In case of payments by bank transfer the order will not be confirmed until the verification of the amount in the indicated bank account is verified. Failure to do so by unforeseen delay, or any other non-malicious cause at our will, will exempt the latter from any responsibility, reserving the right to cancel the order in whole or in part, or change the delivery period, which can not be grounds for Claim or compensation of any kind. The delivery is considered made at the time the carrier has made the products available to the customer. The order will be processed once the payment is made. Our company can send the orders by own means or transports of national scope (messaging). However, it reserves the right to send them by whatever means it deems appropriate if it is necessary to fulfill its commitments.
The customer agrees to accept the products on the actual delivery date of the same, being in any case obligated to pay the corresponding price, if it has not yet been made effective. The unjustified refusal to accept the products, will entitle our company to have the product or order without the customer can make any claim. The customer must check the conformity of the goods supplied at the time of delivery and before signing the delivery receipt. If you are not satisfied with the goods supplied, you must record it at this very moment, in a written form on the delivery note accompanied by your signature stating the reason for your complaint. You must notify the carrier of your disagreement no later than two working days after the delivery of the articles and also send a copy of this mail to our company, otherwise the client will be liable for damages if they are prejudiced the Rights of our company against the carrier in accordance with the particular conditions of delivery agreed upon with the customer.
The maximum term for the exchange or return of an article will be 14 calendar days after the date of sale. Any product whose return has been requested but has not been made within that period will be without effect and will not be accepted. The exchange or return will be accepted as long as the item is received in the same conditions in which it was supplied, that is, in its packaging, with its accessories, instruction manuals in perfect condition and the corresponding invoice or proof of purchase. The return and shipping costs of the new product in case of change will be borne by the customer. The change or return of that gender that has been manipulated, stained, damaged or that have suffered any modification or missing including its packaging, will not be accepted. The change or return of merchandise ordered, reserved, modified or manufactured expressly for the client will not be accepted either.
All our parts or products are guaranteed against any technical or manufacturing defects, and they pass rigorous quality controls. However, any part or product that may produce an unsatisfactory result may be returned to our company, or its manufacturer with a written claim, detailing the reasons for the return and the working conditions of the part or product. The cost of transportation will be borne by the customer. In this way and after inspection of our technicians or corresponding manufacturers we will be able to determine if the claim proceeds. The responsibility of our company is limited to the repair or replacement of the defective item. The piece causing the claim will remain in our possession, without this being considered a reason for any economic claim. No request will be accepted as a guarantee in which the piece of complaint is not submitted, nor will any repair, modification or work done outside the scope of collaborating workshops not previously agreed with our company be accepted. All responsibility for defective assembly, improper application, improper use or manipulation, improper voltage, improper installation not carried out by the authorized service where appropriate, materials subject to wear and tear due to normal use, lack of maintenance, blows, or any Use that causes or can cause an accident. The items supplied by our company are guaranteed for 2 years for private customers and 1 year for professional customers from the date of purchase. No other warranties express or implied. When, when a particular piece or product is claimed, our company can prove that there was NO right cause for its claim, our company will be entitled to claim the costs of the dispute, such as the return and transportation costs.
The brand names, vehicles and original part numbers indicated are for comparative use only. Our company assumes no responsibility for errors that may be contained in the manufacturers' catalogs, from which we extract the information. The Customer must provide sample, reference of the piece and technical specifications of the vehicle, otherwise the Customer will be solely responsible for any errors in the order. The assembly side of the articles is subject to the vehicle's direction of travel.
The judges of Zamora will be the competent to attend any action demanding of the supplies, services and / or works done. The formulation of the order submits the client to this competition, which means that it will be deemed to have renounced its own jurisdiction and domicile, if this was different.
The formulation of the order submits the buyer to the preceding general conditions, and therefore supposes the full acceptance of them. They will not accept different ones as long as it is not expressly stated in writing that they have accepted others different from those established herein.